Due to popular demand, we have added the following:
A new Topic on “Changes in perception and dementia”
A new Topic on “Accepting dementia and the changes".
In addition, as we continue to add more carer and professional users, we have included more detailed content updates for the PRO app, e.g. Alzheimer’s Europe has archived all of its carer resources.
Note: Please refresh your browser to see the updates.
New Topic: "Changes in perception and dementia"
Upto 70% of the people with dementia experience delusion and 49% with hallucination. As a result, we have curated a new Topic called “Changes in perception and dementia” this month, which includes Sections such as hallucination, delusion (including paranoia), timeshifting, misperception and misidentification.
You can browse for it or search for it in the “More Topics” tab for CARER app or "All info" tab for PRO app, with keywords such as “hallucination”, “delusion” etc.

New Topic: "Accepting dementia and the changes"

A diagnosis of dementia can have a profound impact on the person with dementia, the carer, family members and friends. For most, accepting the disease, and the
subsequent changes or challenges can be difficult. This can lead to more challenges or poorer outcomes such as refusing help, difficulties in planning, delay in receiving treatment, difficulties in develop care strategies etc.
This new Topic offers resources to assist you to understand why this may happen, suggestions on how to help the person with dementia and the carer to accept the changes, etc.
You can browse for it or search for it in the "More Topics" tab (CARER app) or "All info" tab (PRO app), with keywords such as “accept help”, “denial” etc.
Other content updates
In addition to the above new content, we have also make the following key updates.
Alzheimer's Europe has archived all of its carer resources. After contacting them, it's not clear if or when they will bring the resources back. The impacted Topics are "Walk about and wandering with dementia" and "Repetition and dementia". Alternative resources were added in replacement from the Mayo Clinic, Alzheimer's Society UK and more
Dementia Training Australia has removed its training called "Maintaining continence in people with dementia" (PRO app).
Note: minor updates are not documented here, such as some wording changes, URL changes, reference updates etc.