Email template & blurb
Intro video
Provider toolbox
Why use it?
Talk about the importance of navigating the dementia journey and learning new skills to cope. Without a cure, this is the key to living well with dementia. My Dementia Companion CARER is a simple one-stop-shop online tool that offers practical, personalised guidance on what to do, where to go and how to manage challenges at home.
If using Home Care Packages or NDIS:
a) Identify needs in Care/ Support Plan, b) Send us the client name, carer name and email address, and your invoicing instructions, and c) We will activate their account with user instructions. More about pricing, HCP and NDIS funding here. Sample Care Plan wording include:
How to start it?
It's very easy to use: a) They can go to to learn more, b) Click on the orange 'Launch Tool' button to register their account, c) Answer 5 short questions and then access bite-sized guidance through the journey, including carer tips and more. You can also use an email template, give out a flyer or share the video below:
User emtail templates here
Handout/ send a CARER flyer here
Share/watch and Intro Video