With a blink of an eye, we are already in April! Our latest updates are below:
Resource links update for Enduring Power of Attorney, Enduring Power of Guardianship and Administration for WA, under the Topic “Future planning: legal matters”
Resource link update for Guardianship and Administration in SA, under the Topic “Future planning: legal matters”
Impact of dementia on voting, especially as the Federal Election is coming up!
Note: Please refresh your browser to see the updates.
Content updates
Resource links update for EPOA, EPOG and Administration for WA and SA
Managing and preparing for legal matters can be complex after a dementia diagnosis. The Topic “Future planning: legal matters” can help to guide you through this in your respective State/Territory, including Enduring Power of Attorney (EPOA), Enduring Power of Guardianship (EPOG) and Administration in WA.
Recently, the WA Government has updated those links and unfortunately, the old links were not programmed to be forwarded to the new ones. We have completed a review and updated them accordingly under the same Section.
A similar update has also occurred under Guardianship and Administration for SA under the same Topic. We have also completed a review and updated them accordingly.
After refreshing your browser, you can search it in the "More Topics" tab (CARER app) or "All info" tab (PRO app), with keywords such as “EPOA”, "attorney", "legal" etc.
New Sections on "Voting and dementia"
With the Federal election coming, have you ever wondered how this will impact someone living with dementia?
We have curated new Sections “Voting and dementia” for the federal election and also elections in each State and Territory, including:
how to access additional supports if the person can still understand the voting process and is able to vote
what to do if the person is no longer able to vote.
After refreshing your browser, you can search it in the "More Topics" tab (CARER app) or "All info" tab (PRO app), with keywords such as “voting”, "election" etc.
Note: minor updates are not documented here, such as some wording changes, URL changes, reference updates etc.
Featured Tip
This month’s featured Tip is a PRO Tip from Jill, who is an Occupational Therapist in WA:
"I have seen so many clever inventions in aged care in my 20-year career. The biggest flaw is that people don’t wear them. So make sure before your client goes out and purchases any aids, make sure they will use them."
This is a good reminder for everyone that a new piece of technology or aid won’t solve all your problems. It’s all about how it’s been used.
This Tip is located under the Section “Aids and equipment in falls” under the Topic “Falls and dementia”.