Responding to your requests and feedback, we have made a few changes:
drastically improved the search function
A new Topic on “Disinhibited behaviours and dementia”, such as how to manage toileting in public, sexually inapprorpriate beahviorus etc.
A new Topic on “Aggression and dementia", such as how to identify triggers and causes, and manage it
Note: Please refresh your browser to see the updates.
Search improvement
Our library of quality, up-to-date and practical dementia resources is constantly growing. Over the past year we have grown significantly based on your valuable feedback, requests and our own research. To ensure you can access them all timely, we are working hard on our search function.
Last month, we released a new search algorithm that has drastically improved the search function under the “More Topics” tab for CARER app or "All info" tab for PRO app. It should be more accurate, relevant and quicker. This will allow you to find what you are looking for easier.
Don’t forget to let us know what you think? Can you find what you need? If not, let us know what we are missing and we will find it for you!
Content update
New Topic: "Disinhibited behaviours and dementia"
In this month’s update, we have curated a new Topic called “Disinhibited behaviours and dementia”. It is estimated that up to 25% of people with dementia experience some form of disinhibited behaviour, such as urinating in public, sexually inapprorpriate behaviours etc.
This new Topic offers resources on what may cause people to undertake these actions, and suggestions and tips on how to manage this safely.
You can browse for it or search for it in the "More Topics" tab (CARER app) or "All info" tab (PRO app), with keywords such as “urinating public”, “sex outdoor” etc.

New Topic: "Aggression and dementia"
Aggression is another common and challenging situation to manage. It can be hurtful because you may be doing everything you can to support the person with dementia, but instead of being met with gratitude, you are met with anger or suspicion. It can be more difficult to accept especially when the person used to be a mild mannered individual prior to his or her dementia diagnosis.
This new Topic offers resources to assist you to understand what triggers aggression and how to best manage it safely when it arises.
You can browse for it or search for it in the "More Topics" tab (CARER app) or "All info" tab (PRO app), with keywords such as “anger”, “aggression” etc

Featured Tip
In this month’s featured Tip, we would like to share one from Lisa, who is coming in terms with her husband’s change in personality:
My Joe was the most lovely and kind man. He loved our kids and me with his whole heart and took care of all of us for our whole life. A few years after getting dementia, he has become so rude, abrupt and a completely different person. I just can’t understand it and it’s so hard to cope. I constantly ask myself where my lovely Joe is.
It took me a long time to understand that it’s not him being rude to me. It’s how dementia changes his brain and this changes his way of telling me things, like if he wants different food or drink. You just have to work out what it is that he wants amongst all the outbursts.
It’s still hard being on the receiving end of his outbursts but understanding this really helps and I don’t blame me or him anymore.
While easier said than done for many, it is a good reminder for us all on how important it is to not blame ourselves or our loved ones for certain actions they take. While this mindset change doesn’t always solve all the presenting problems, it can help us manage our expectations, emotions, guilt, anger and more.
This Tip is allocated under the Section “Understanding the causes of aggression” under the Topic “Aggression and dementia”.