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June 22 updates: More recognition, content updates and the winner is…

Our latest updates are below:

  • We are honoured to be listed as a valuable dementia resource on OPAN and the NSW Government. This recognition enables our impact to have a wider reach to help more people and also provides us with more fuel to keep going!

  • New resource links and Sections including downloadable activity packs, games and ideas for support people living with dementia to remain engaged. They can be located under various Topics such as “Healthy living and ageing for the person”, “Aged care home and dementia” and “Getting the person engaged in daily living and activities”

  • We have updated many resources, including arranging alternative resources to a number of resources from Dementia Support Australia on daily challenges and behaviours

  • The winner for this 2-monthly Contributor Award is Sandra in VIC, who has provided us with 10 tips and constructive suggestions to better help others impacted by dementia.

Note: Please refresh your browser to see the updates and click here to learn about the Contributor Award.

Reocgnised by OPAN and NSW Government

We are honoured to have been listed as a valuable resource on dementia care from the Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) and the NSW Government!

It’s very heartwarming to see our efforts being recognised. But more importantly, our impact can have a much wider reach now so more people impacted by dementia are supported. We like to graciously thank OPAN and the NSW Government for their generosity.

We couldn’t have done this without the tireless contribution of our volunteers, who dedicate many, many hours a week on top of their day jobs to improve care.

This also provides us with more fuel to keep going, especially since it has been a tough journey!

Content updates

New Section on activity packs, games and quizzes

We have been asked a few times on where clients and families can source activity packs to support better mental stimulation and overall engagement.

Building on our previous month’s update on the new Topic “Getting the person engaged in daily living and activities”, we have curated new resources and Sections containing downloadable activity packs, quizzes, games and suggestions for a more meaningful engagement.

They are listed under a few Topics:

  • “Healthy living and ageing for the person”

  • “Aged care home and dementia”

  • “Getting the person engaged in daily living and activities”.

After refreshing your browser, you can search it in the "More Topics" tab (CARER app) or "All info" tab (PRO app), with keywords such as “activity packs", "quizz" etc.

Note: minor updates are not documented here, such as some wording changes, URL changes, reference updates etc.

And the winner is...

The winner of our 2-monthly Contributor Award is Sandra from VIC. She has won a $50 gift voucher for 10 Tips, constructive suggestions and general feedback.

We thank her for her amazing support!

To learn more about this Award, please click here.

Featured Tip

This month’s featured Tip is a CARER Tip from Sandra in VIC, who supports her husband with dementia:

I did a training session on the visual impact of dementia a few years ago. One of the examples was that people with dementia saw a dark mat in front of the shower as a "hole"!
I had bought moccasins for my husband and of course, they’re dark in colour. Then I realised he had so much trouble putting them on. One of my friends who was taking care of her mum with dementia, suggested putting white insoles in them. That was the solution, no problems after that.

This is a good reminder for everyone that a person’s perception can really change with dementia and we can play “detectives” to understand it, and then address it accordingly.

These changes can become unmet needs, which are triggered by (in this case) environment (E) and personal (P) factors. You can review or learn more about:

  • Unmet needs in the Topic “Understanding unmet needs and daily challenges” including the PECT model

  • Dementia friendly environment in the Topic “The home environment and dementia”

  • Changes in perception in the Topic “Changes in perception and dementia”, including misperception and misidentification.

Thank you so much Sandra, again!


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